
  Prince Ali Rescue

Difficulty: Medium
Length: Long
Members only: No

3 quest points
• 700gp
• Free pass in the Al Kharid gates

Start: Talk with Hassan, which can be found in the palace in Al Kharid. Ask him "Can I help you?"

Needed items:
Around 500gp
Bronze bar
Soft clay
3 beers
Pink skirt
2 onions
7 balls of wool.

How to get the items
Ashes: Kill imps or demons, and they will drop ashes, or get it from fire remains.
Flour: You will need a pot. Buy it in the General Store for 1gp. Pick some weat outside the wind mill between Draynor Village and Lumbridge. Go to the top floor in the windmill, use the weat on the hopper, then operate it, go down to the bottom floor, use the pot on the flour bin.
Water: Buy a bucket in General Store, and use it on a water source (Can be found almost everywhere, look at the world map for more info)
Redberries: Can be found south of varrock, just north for the mining field in east.
Onions: Can be found just behind the chicken farm between Lumbridge and Draynor Village.
Soft clay: Mine some clay in dwarven mine or somewhere else where you can find clay, then use a bucket of water on it.
Bronze bar: Mine tin and copper and smelt it (see our mining and smithing guide for more info).

^ Hide how to get the items ^
Quest Map


Osman: He can be found outside the palace. Talk with him, and ask him what you have to do.

Leela: She can be found east of Draynor. Talk with her.

Wig and Rope: Get some wool (use shears on sheeps, wich can be bough for 1gp in general store), and use it on a spinning weel. You will need 7 balls. Talk with Ned in Draynor Village, and he'll make it for you.

Skin Color and Dye: Get ashes, flour, water and rederries and 2 onions. Go to Aggie in Draynor Village, and ask her to make you a skin past. Then ask her to make you a yellow dye, it will cost you 5gp. Then you have to use the dye on the wig.

Pink Skirt: You can buy a pink skirt in the clothes store in Varrock, it normally costs 2gp.

Leela: Talk with her again, and ask her about a key.

Key: Get some soft clay and bronze bar. Now, go talk with Lady Keli in the jail. Tell her that she's famous in RuneScape, then ask her for her latest plan, then ask her if she's sure they will not try to get him out, ask her to see the key, and then ask her if you could touch it. Now, you will have a print of the key. Go to Osman.

Osman: He will take the key print and the bronze bar. Go back to Leela to get the key.

The Guard (Joe): Talk with him, and tell him to chill out, you won't make any trouble. Then ask him about what he do with the wages, and he tells you that he like to drink. Now, go get some beer. You can find it in north part of Barbarian Village. Pick up three of them.

The Rescue: Talk with Joe again, and ask him if he would fancy some beer. Then use the rope on Lady Keli. Now, use the key on the cell door, and talk with the prince. He will tell you that you will get a reward from Hassan. Go back to Hassan to claim your reward.
Runescape Cursors!!

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